Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Evening at My House

So after a long day of teaching 5th and 6th graders, who by the way I think have lost their minds - but wait, it may be me, I'll have to get back to you on that one ---- anyway......
After school I go grocery shopping where I save about $55 with sales and coupons - LOVE that!! Once home, I unload and put away said purchases, make sure homework is done, think about starting some laundry but remember I forgot to stop at wally-world and get detergent, so never mind.
I decide to make bacon sandwiches for supper (it was buy 1 get one free) to which The Cowboy turns up his nose and says, "That's it" I say "OK we'll scramble some eggs, too" I was looking for easy here - work with me!
As the bacon starts to fry and give off the most wonderful smell and our tummies are rummbling, we hear some noises coming from the bathroom, it was Little Bit. The Cowboy goes to check and see what is going on. He comes back and offers to take over the cooking, Little Bit apparently needed my help. It seems she has had a little accident. She must have been so busy playing, she waited just a little bit too long.
She needed a bath, the bathroom required cleaning, floor and all! Finally she is clean, the bathroom cleaned, sanitized and disinfected, jammies are on and her hair is dried.
We head to the kitchen to see how supper is coming along - wonderful - it is almost done. The Cowboy is finishing up the eggs, and I start the toast. The eggs are finished, The Angles - oh I mean the children have set the table without fighting -HA HA HA HO HO HO HEE HEE - OK so I like to live in denial.
The Cowboy proceeds to scrap off the griddle and then heads to the trash can to dump it. He didn't know about the little tray thingy (yes, that is the technical name for it) under the griddle that collects all the grease.
So I cleaned to the kitchen floor as well.

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