Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cowboy Tug-a-War

Such a sweet Father/Son picture on Easter Sunday, which also happened to be The Cowboy Jr.'s Birthday as well.

What better way to celebrate a Birthday than with a little bit of roping.

This time it quickly turned into a game of tug-a-war.

They pulled.

And tugged.

There were some smiles.

Some laughs too.

In the end the Little Guy lost.

I think he just gave up, really. Didn't want to show up his Dad.

Despite the poor, sad, pitiful look on his face, he did have a great day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break in Review

I LOVE being home!

I loved spring break - no plans, just hanging out, kids outside in the awesome spring weather.

Here is what we did -
  • I made a garden and planted it too
  • I did close to 45 loads of laundry
  • I bought 12 baby chicks
  • We rode horses, one of which ran off, another who likes to roll in the mud thought it would be fun to roll in the mud - with the Princess on his back
  • We got stuck in the mud
  • The kids branded some calves
  • The kids dug in the dirt making a 'cave'
  • We had 18 people in our house
  • We bucked some bulls
  • I've loved every minute and don't want it to end

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Story of Four Cousins

Four cousins, four years apart, 2 sets of brother and sister.

They grew-up together, practically inseparable. Always together and normally trouble not far behind.

Each married their high school sweethearts, each married at age 21, each has their own family now. The 4 became 8 and the 8 has now become 18 in just under 12 years. The next generation of cousins ranges for 9 years old next month to 3 years old at the end of July, 5 boys and 5 girls.

We don't all get together nearly as much as we like. This week we all ended our spring breaks together. They all came to our house to go camping. We bucked bulls, we rode horses, we fished, we killed snakes, we played in the pond, we cooked, we ate, we got a little bit of sleep but most of all we laughed and enjoyed one another.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Did you know?

That horses like coffee?
They do.
Two weeks in a row they have knocked over The Cowboy's coffee to get a sip.

Silly horses.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

She Cracks Me Up

Little Bit was out playing on the porch with the dog. She opens the door sticks her little face in and says, "Whatcha think mom?"

I say, "I think you are crazy."

"NOOOO, think-a something else, we already know that"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009


There may be nothing so cute as baby calves. I LOVE them! I want to hold them and pet them and squeeze them and call their name George. Their mamas may not like that.

Don't you just want to plant a kiss on that sweet little star on her forehead! Go ahead - I won't tell anyone you just kissed the computer screen.

These two are up to no good - they are planning 'something' or maybe the one is telling the other my mama's milk is better than your mom's.

I think the bald-face one has just told the others, "My daddy can buck better than your daddy." UMMM, sweetie, I hate to tell ya but you all have the same daddy.

WHAT? He thinks - I'm related to these guys? Yes, darling now play nice with your brothers and sisters.

They are curious, they are sweet and they play and I LOVE them!

Go ahead, no one is looking, plant a kiss on their noses!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Middle Child

She grabbed her daddy's hat, I grabbed the camera.

She never misses an opportunity to have her picture taken, she likes to pose, she loves the attention.

She knows the household inventory better than I do - I would not be able to find anything without her.

She even keeps a 'stash' of assorted items in her bed, just in case. You know important items like a hammer and nail, you never know when you will need to hang your newest piece of art work on your wall.

Don't let that sweet look fool you - I pretty sure she is planning something.

She off to play, but not with out one last picture and smile.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm Rready to Go Back!

There are days like today, when I'm tired, I'm worn out, and could go to bed right now, but can't. There is homework to be done, supper to be cooked, laundry to be done and the list could go on and on - we'll be lucky to eat and kind-a-sorta get the dishes done. (Grandmommie forget you just read that - pretend my house is spotless and you could even eat off my floor LOL)

And I wish I could go back.........

It was cold, but I liked it, there where no kids and I really like that, it was SO much fun, and we laughed ALOT!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Country Girl

Last Sunday as soon as we got home from church, my kids were off and playing in their Sunday clothes.

I tell the girls to go take off their dresses and put play clothes on. A little while later, The Cowboy calls to me and asks, "Did you tell Little Bit to take off her dress?" And here is what I saw.

Too pretty of a day, too busy to be bothered by changing or even putting the dress away.

She sees me and just can't pass up the opportunity for a picture with her favorite dog.

Dirt, lip gloss and flowers, your favorite dog, your rubber boots and tights - Life is so simple.

The photo shot is over and she is off again to play, and see what she can catch with her net.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Drunk Gogles

The D.A.R.E. officer comes every Thursday to talk to my students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Since we have a smaller class they get to do more fun activities that larger groups do not get to do.

This week, each of the students got to put on a pair of goggles that made them feel as if they were intoxicated and then each got to do a sobriety test.

This was very interesting to say the least. They really and truly acted drunk!

I can just imagine the conversations that took place at home - hope I'm not fired come Monday morning - but it wasn't my idea to see what a bunch of 5th and 6th graders would act like if they were drunk. Really though, the whole idea of it is to take the curiosity away and to show them how silly and out of control they act and how could someone like that get behind the wheel of a car and drive like that.

I really thought someone was going to hurt themselves! This kids could not walk. They would completely miss when trying to give a high-five. One girl could not stop giggling. One boy fell down when trying to sit down - I mean completely missed the chair and BAM on the floor.

This one sweet boy who is just a level and steady as anything - he is NEVER hyper (I've asked his mom) just as calm as can be. The officer had him counting to 10, he s l o w l y counts to 10, she tells him to speed it up, he says s uu r e, just a slurred as if he was really and truly drunk. I so wish I could have had a video camera because it was priceless! She told me when I walked her out very few people actually slur their speech when they wear the goggles and he should stay away from even cough medicine.

I even got to wear them - it so messes with your vision had I left them on any longer I would have had a migraine. I could walk just fine - just focus on the object in the middle - LOL!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick-day with Daddy

Someone remind me next time - that this may or may not be a good idea.

Both girls ran fevers and felt a little yucky over the weekend. I stayed home with them Monday, The Cowboy had to run all over creation, bulls to here, bulls to there - every where a bull -- HA HA!

Little Bit was still running a bit of a fever but acting very much like herself so she stayed with daddy today - I would come home early so he could fix some fences - the cows thought it would be a 'fun' girls night out last night - I think they played tag, around and inside the barn and one mamma must have missed her baby because she bawled for it all night long.

We rode around this afternoon looking for new babies. Left the two big kids to play near the pond and went to check the creek bottom pasture. Little Bit thought she could ride in the back, like the big kids, no, nope, sorry, not going to happen - not while I'm watching.

The Cowboy said it must be a rude awakening for her, she has gotten to do what she wanted today. What?

Little Bit, you are not going to eat that ice cream in my truck - No. OK.

Little Bit, you can't have that umptenth glass of chocolate milk - No. OK let me pour you another one.

Little Bit, we are going this way. No. OK we'll go that way.

Little Bit, We are not going to feed the horses carrots right now. No. OK, here are more carrots for Penny.

I asked how in the world are we going to have a united front against this battle of the wills if you give in?? He answers - I couldn't help it, I didn't want to fight with her. She's just too cute.

Heaven, help us, please.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Turd-Burglar??


What was that you just said??

Really, did you just call our sweet, (OK, sometimes sweet) baby girl a turd-burglar??

Little Bit likes to read books - OK so she doesn't 'read', and she only knows and hand full of letters and can only count to like 7 - BUT - she likes to 'read' in bed before she drifts off into dreamland for the entire night without crawling into mine at some point at night. Anyway - not the point - the little stink bug sneaks out of her room to get a book or hundred each night.

Tonight instead of quietly going to her bed, she comes to sit by the wood stove and The Cowboy says, "HEY, Turd-Burglar go to bed."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Can Someone Please Tell Me???

How, after 3 children - Can I not get the bath-water temperature right?

Really, I just do not get it?

Seriously - Can you please tell me what medium temperature is, cause I just don't know??

One would think it would be lukewarm, right?? OH NO - "THAT HURTS MY SKIN" come the screams of Little Bit as she steps into the bath "I WANTED MEDIUM!!!" is all that comes wailing, repeatedly out of this small sometimes sweet child.

OK so she has had ALOT warmer baths with no complaint! And it was borderline too cold - it was warm - not too hot, not too cold. A pedantic nurse in the NICU could not have done better on the temperature.

And isn't medium a size anyway?? How in the world I am suppose to win when I don't even get the rules!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Evening at My House

So after a long day of teaching 5th and 6th graders, who by the way I think have lost their minds - but wait, it may be me, I'll have to get back to you on that one ---- anyway......
After school I go grocery shopping where I save about $55 with sales and coupons - LOVE that!! Once home, I unload and put away said purchases, make sure homework is done, think about starting some laundry but remember I forgot to stop at wally-world and get detergent, so never mind.
I decide to make bacon sandwiches for supper (it was buy 1 get one free) to which The Cowboy turns up his nose and says, "That's it" I say "OK we'll scramble some eggs, too" I was looking for easy here - work with me!
As the bacon starts to fry and give off the most wonderful smell and our tummies are rummbling, we hear some noises coming from the bathroom, it was Little Bit. The Cowboy goes to check and see what is going on. He comes back and offers to take over the cooking, Little Bit apparently needed my help. It seems she has had a little accident. She must have been so busy playing, she waited just a little bit too long.
She needed a bath, the bathroom required cleaning, floor and all! Finally she is clean, the bathroom cleaned, sanitized and disinfected, jammies are on and her hair is dried.
We head to the kitchen to see how supper is coming along - wonderful - it is almost done. The Cowboy is finishing up the eggs, and I start the toast. The eggs are finished, The Angles - oh I mean the children have set the table without fighting -HA HA HA HO HO HO HEE HEE - OK so I like to live in denial.
The Cowboy proceeds to scrap off the griddle and then heads to the trash can to dump it. He didn't know about the little tray thingy (yes, that is the technical name for it) under the griddle that collects all the grease.
So I cleaned to the kitchen floor as well.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Tell me its not true! It can't be - it just can't!!!

I got a postcard in the mail - it really almost made me cry! I really can't be that old - I just can't - It is not true - I refuse to believe that it is!

How in the world could a post card cause me to want to run to the nearest corner and live in denial for the rest of my life???

It is a postcard for PRE-TEEN camp for this summer - to pre-register! WHAT!!!????? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I thought The Cowboys eyes were going to pop out of his eye sockets when he saw it and said, "WHAT!!"

This is not the face of a PRE-TEEN

NOR the one in the Blue Shirt

OR this little cowboy

OR the one of the First Day of School!

PRE-TEEN? This mud monster??

NO!! NO!! NO!!

Please, PLEASE, PLEASE Tell me it is not true! I'll believe you!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Fishing with PaPa

Last summer we took the kids fishing.
You have to pick just the right bait for the job.
It must be attached just right.

Then you try it out......

And decided you need to change something.

AHHH, yes that is better.

Yep, she'll do

Mostly, you just sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

With of course a few 'Why?' questions here and there.