Friday, February 13, 2009

Drunk Gogles

The D.A.R.E. officer comes every Thursday to talk to my students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Since we have a smaller class they get to do more fun activities that larger groups do not get to do.

This week, each of the students got to put on a pair of goggles that made them feel as if they were intoxicated and then each got to do a sobriety test.

This was very interesting to say the least. They really and truly acted drunk!

I can just imagine the conversations that took place at home - hope I'm not fired come Monday morning - but it wasn't my idea to see what a bunch of 5th and 6th graders would act like if they were drunk. Really though, the whole idea of it is to take the curiosity away and to show them how silly and out of control they act and how could someone like that get behind the wheel of a car and drive like that.

I really thought someone was going to hurt themselves! This kids could not walk. They would completely miss when trying to give a high-five. One girl could not stop giggling. One boy fell down when trying to sit down - I mean completely missed the chair and BAM on the floor.

This one sweet boy who is just a level and steady as anything - he is NEVER hyper (I've asked his mom) just as calm as can be. The officer had him counting to 10, he s l o w l y counts to 10, she tells him to speed it up, he says s uu r e, just a slurred as if he was really and truly drunk. I so wish I could have had a video camera because it was priceless! She told me when I walked her out very few people actually slur their speech when they wear the goggles and he should stay away from even cough medicine.

I even got to wear them - it so messes with your vision had I left them on any longer I would have had a migraine. I could walk just fine - just focus on the object in the middle - LOL!

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