Monday, January 19, 2009

Can Someone Please Tell Me???

How, after 3 children - Can I not get the bath-water temperature right?

Really, I just do not get it?

Seriously - Can you please tell me what medium temperature is, cause I just don't know??

One would think it would be lukewarm, right?? OH NO - "THAT HURTS MY SKIN" come the screams of Little Bit as she steps into the bath "I WANTED MEDIUM!!!" is all that comes wailing, repeatedly out of this small sometimes sweet child.

OK so she has had ALOT warmer baths with no complaint! And it was borderline too cold - it was warm - not too hot, not too cold. A pedantic nurse in the NICU could not have done better on the temperature.

And isn't medium a size anyway?? How in the world I am suppose to win when I don't even get the rules!


Kindra Benge said...

okay so I totally understand,except mine want it HOTTER!!! It is never hot enough and they tell me it's my fault. I've come to realize that they are all IMPOSSIBLE, especially at that age. Meanwhile Callie has made me go through a whole box of bandaids today. I guess I am too dumb to get it on her right.

Unknown said...

Next time try speaking in a very firm and assuring tone and say, "This water comes from Crockett and today it came through the pipes as medium". Will that work? :)
Love, Mom