Friday, January 16, 2009


Tell me its not true! It can't be - it just can't!!!

I got a postcard in the mail - it really almost made me cry! I really can't be that old - I just can't - It is not true - I refuse to believe that it is!

How in the world could a post card cause me to want to run to the nearest corner and live in denial for the rest of my life???

It is a postcard for PRE-TEEN camp for this summer - to pre-register! WHAT!!!????? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I thought The Cowboys eyes were going to pop out of his eye sockets when he saw it and said, "WHAT!!"

This is not the face of a PRE-TEEN

NOR the one in the Blue Shirt

OR this little cowboy

OR the one of the First Day of School!

PRE-TEEN? This mud monster??

NO!! NO!! NO!!

Please, PLEASE, PLEASE Tell me it is not true! I'll believe you!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good job!

ASH said...

aaawwwhhhhh!! so sad!

we gettin old