Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Get Carried Away

So I finally gave in, I caved.... Tired of all the coughing, and after almost cough up a lung yesterday, gagging in the process - I called the Doctor to make an appointment.

'Nothing till Monday - but if you get here by 9 you can walk in.'

OK good - I quick got my classes covered - they all agreed - IT'S ABOUT TIME!

By the time I get there, I'm really feeling crappy - I've been feeling OK - just very run down. But now I'm not feeling so hot - and my chest hurts.

My doctor's office has new staff - again- the new nurse was different, she didn't get my jokes (why do I always feel the need to joke when I go to the doctor??)

As I sit and wait and cough and wait and cough and wait, the radio is playing. That maybe what keeps me going back - the radio. I've often thought of changing doctors. Anyway - where was I - OH yes the radio. Of course it was a country station this being Texas and all and who should start to sing - George Strait - I love George - I hope he doesn't mind that he and I are on a first name basis. So there I sit listening to George singing "I get carried away by the look, by the light in your eye......." At first I think of my own cowboy - AAA yes, I do get carried away when I look at him - especially when he is in his wranglers and boots and hat and on a horse - mmmm, I love that!

And then I think how cool would that be if George Strait was my doctor - I mean he'd walk in and I'd faint, he'd revive me and I'd feel better, he'd sing to me and write me a prescription and tell me to call if I needed anything else. And then I faint again.

Yes, I tend to get carried away when sitting all by myself waiting in a doctors office - where it is quiet - where there were no kids, no books, no noise -but George singing to me - no whining, no laundry - A girl can get carried away pretty quick....

And then the real doctor walks in....bummer. He looks and pokes and listens and tells me I sound squeaky - I tell him Thnaks, I'm dizzy now, can I just sleep here for a while because I'm really starting to fade at this point.

Official diagnosis - sinusitis turned to bronchitis - I've never had bronchitis - is that why my chest hurts? du? And here I thought it was sore muscles from all the darn coughing. So I have a z-pack, some musinex -d (that I had to go all the way back out to the car to get my drivers licence to buy - thought I was going to pass out!) and some fun prescription cough medicine that makes me sleepy and dreamy feeling -

So I'm home today - my chest and head are hurting - still coughing- not as bad. OK I take that back - I about to cough up a lung or spleen or something here - I'm better when I lay down! All the kids are at school - the house is trashed - I don't have the strength to clean - again my chest, I feel fine when I lay down but I also feel useless. I guess I'll take useless - maybe I can tell myself I'm a movie critic and I have to sit and just watch T.V., yeah that's it, we'll go with that one----
Originally written Friday October 17, 2008

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