Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just call me Martha

OK - not as in the book writing, TV show doing, magazine owning, prison time spending, no not that one. Yeah, as much as I'd love the idea of being like that, I know no way, no how is that going to happen, I mean a girl has to sleep at some time.

No, the Martha I speak of is of the Martha and Mary type - see Luke 10.

Yes, when things need to get done I tend to turn into Martha.

Yes, yes I do - I don't want too - but I do. But I think I might be Martha on Steroids.

Yeah - it's that bad!

When we have a family get together or something - I tend to go a little on the side of, weelll, overboard.

There I said it - Isn't admitting you have a problem and very big and important step?

The Cowboy's Mom and Aunt were coming for Thanksgiving. And what do I do......I go into a baking, cooking and cleaning frenzy. I just can't help myself - I know I do it but I just can't seem to stop - I may need some intervention or something?!

So I go grocery shopping......the day before Thanksgiving......seriously?? What is wrong with me?? I know better!! Help me, I know not what I do!

Anyway I go ahead and make not one, not two but 3 homemade pies - Oh yes I did -- OK OK so I did cheat a little bit ---gasp ----I used.......oh it is sooooo hard to say.......I used a pre-made pie crust -----SHOCK, GASP, FAINT........I know, I know I was so ASHAMED!! But then I ummm, pre-tasted the pie -----heaven is all I have to say about that!!

Also on the menu --- homemade mashed potatoes, homemade dressing, a corn and wild rice dish, green bean casserole, gravy, and crescent rolls (I was planning on making homemade rolls but since crescent rolls were on sale and I had a coupon I had to get them). The Cowboy's Mom and Aunt brought the meat.

So basically we had enough food for a small army --- But OH MY --- IT WAS GOOD!!! HEAVEN!

And we had a really good time too! After I realized I was being Martha on Steroids - I chilled out! The Cowboy asks every time 'Why do you do this to yourself?'

Honestly - I'm not sure? But it's Thanksgiving -- and you can get all the pre-made, pre-cooked, not nearly as good tasting stuff every other day of the year! AND it was good! And hey -- with all the left-overs I get out of cooking for the next few days!!

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